Isight / SEE 5.8
As part of SIMULIA's commitment to deliver industry-leading process automation and design optimization solutions, Isight and SEE 5.8 provide a number of powerful enhancements for optimization, modeling and simulation integration, and postprocessing. These improvements enable customers—in a range of industries including aerospace, automotive, consumer packaged goods, energy, high tech, and life sciences—to quickly and efficiently improve their products by optimizing them against performance or cost variables through statistical methods such as Design of Experiments (DOE) or Design for Six Sigma.
File Sets
File Sets provide a new and improved way of defining dynamic arrays of input and output files.
Allow arrays of files to be configured by defining a file location and file matching pattern.
Size of the file array is determined at runtime and can vary from run to run.
Contents of the File Set can be sorted alphabetically by name or by date modified.
Jobid Substitution Keyword Support
A new {jobid} keyword is now available which resolves to the current Isight jobid.
Keyword {jobid} substitution is available in file parameters and in components.
User Substitution Keyword Support
Keyword {user} substitution resolves to the name of the user who submitted the job in Isight standalone mode.
Prior to 5.8, the {user} keyword was only available in SEE.